Manual Class of 1967, Gold Reunion Information
WHO IS COMING?Register Now!!
Registration forms will be emailed or mailed in June. Your information will help in expediting the registration process. You may contact the Planning Committee at: Email address - [email protected], Via mail – Class of ’67 Manual Reunion, c/o Kenny McVey, PO Box 200093, Denver, CO 80220 Via phone – 720 217-4524 (Barbara Hatch Reynolds’ cell phone) Registration Costs:
Please send the following information to [email protected]
WEEKEND EVENTSFriday, August 11, 2017
Meet & Greet - Reconnect with ’67 Thunderbolts! Where: DoubleTree Stapleton North Address: 4040 Quebec Street, Denver, CO 80216, 303 321-6666 Time: 6:00 PM – 11:00 PM Details: Hors D’oeuvres, Cash Bar and music by our very own classmate Leon Blackwell. Saturday, August 12, 2017 Reunion Celebration Dinner and Dance Where: Park Hill Golf Clubhouse Address: 4141 East 35th Avenue, Denver, CO 80207, 720-549-8863 Time: 6:00 PM – 11:00 PM Details: A Southern Style dinner, Cash Bar, 60’s Disco Music and the rehashing memories with your fellow 1967 grads. A photographer will be available to capture your evening celebration. Sunday, August 13, 2017 Church Worship Service Where: Soul Care Full Gospel Center with Dr. Sandra Washington Powell and Apostle Lawrence Powell Address: 6350 E. 69th Avenue, Commerce City, CO 80022 Time: Family Worship Service @ 11:30 AM Family Picnic Where: City of Axum Park, Address: 4400 Bruce Randolph Ave, Denver, CO 80207 (on Birch Street) Time: Noon – 5:00 p.m. Food: Bring your own food and drink Details: Join other classes of Thunderbolts for a fun final day! A casual picnic at City of Axum Park will cap-off our reunion weekend. Look for the Class of ’67 Thunderbolt tables and get ready to eat, reminisce, create new memories and say goodbye. Special Hotel Rates are available at the DoubleTree Stapleton North for $89 per night. Rooms are limited so book early.
For rooms call: DoubleTree Stapleton 303 321-6666 4040 Quebec St. Denver, CO 80239 Ask for rates under “The Manual High School 1967 Reunion”. |